Food . Meals. Eating habbits.


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                                                           Food . Meals. Eating habbits.

We should understand that food is an important part of our life. Some people prefer fast food, the others keep to a balance diet.

         Our world is very fast. Fast food is quick and convenient and it takes less time to have it. Besides many people like its taste and smell because of artificial colours, flavourings and preservatives. Moreover fast food is not expensive because it’s made with cheap ingredients such as fat meat, flour and sugar.

        That’s why I try to have more juice, fruit and vegetables, low fat meat because they give us energy and contain a lot of vitamins, proteins and minerals.


            I usually have four meals in my family. They are breakfast, lunch(or tea), dinner and supper.
           Breakfast is the first meal of the day. I think it's important to have good breakfast because we must be full of energy. We usually have for breakfast some porridge with milk or eggs (boiled or fried), cottage cheese with jam , bread and butter whith tea or cofee. Nowadays somebody prefers youghurt or biscuits for breakfast.
            I have lunch at school. The pupils usually have some meat, fishor sausage with mash, pasta or porridge. Then we drink glass of tea, juice or compote. I often buy something in the buffet. There you can find a lot of tasty things such as vaffles, pizzas, rolls and sweets.
            We usually have dinner at about two o'clock. Our dinner consists of three courses. I have a plate of soup for starter. There is a piece of meat or fish with boiled or fried potatoes and other vegetables for main course. And the third course is a dessert. We often have a cup of teawith rolls or biscuits.
            Supper is the fourth meal of a day. It's about seven o'clock p.m. All the members of the family get together , have supper and change the news of the day. For our evening meal we usually have some pork, beef or chicken with vegetables , potatoes, pasta or porridge. 
            I am sure a person should remember that we are what we eat. To be healthy it's important to eat more fruit and vegetables , reject junk food and eat in a small portions at regular hours.


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