A healthy mind in a healthy body

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A healthy mind in a healthy body.

1. Eating healthy food is important. Eat different food every day.

You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

You shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets and other junk food.

You should drink about 5 glasses of water a day.

2. Exercising is a great way of keeping your body and mind healthy. You should do your morning exercises, go running, jogging, riding.

You should attend PE lessons. Sport helps you to relax.

3. You should walk up the stairs instead of taking the lift or you can go to school instead of going by car.

4.It’s important to sleep 8 hours at night. You shouldn’t go to bed late.

5. Keep your body clean.

Take a shower every day. Have a bath once a week.

Wash your head once or twice a week.

You should wash your hands with soap after school, after walk, before you have a meal.

6. Brush your teeth twice a week. You should visit a dentist once a year.

7. You shouldn’t spend more than 2 hours a day watching TV , playing computer games or using tablet.

If you want to be healthy, you should act healthy. Try it!


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